Integration of Video.js with a Number of Different DRM Services
Developers have become more aware of the need to standardise the protocols used to transfer content from the server to the client device as a result of the growing popularity of over-the-top (OTT) video streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime. These services allow users to watch videos online without downloading them first.
One example of this type of protocol is the broad adoption of the HTML5 standards for the delivery of video content.
Web browsers now come equipped with built-in HTML5 video players, and the players may also be downloaded from the internet with relative ease.
Adoption of the HLS and DASH streaming protocols is required in order to ensure that video content may be transmitted without interruption across different platforms and devices.
Adaptive streaming and anti-piracy protection can be accomplished by applying multiple digital rights management (DRM) systems to video material.
An HTML5 video player with support for all of these streaming video platform standards goes by the name Video.js.
Because it is capable of playing the vast majority of today’s video formats, this open-source video player has become one of the most popular on the internet. In addition to this, it is supported by a large community of developers from all over the world, which enables a diverse selection of design and functional customizations.
When it comes to the management of user rights and content encryption, Multi-DRMan anti-piracy toollicensing regimes are frequently utilised by content creators and OTT organisations. The three internet giants, Google, Microsoft, and Apple, each have their own proprietary content licencing system that they call Widevine, PlayReady, and FairPlay.
A multi-DRM service needs to be incorporated into the Video.js player so that video content may be streamed across a wide variety of browsers and devices. This will ensure that the content can be seen without restriction.
In order to facilitate this integration, the VideoJSContrib EME plugin is put into use. With the help of this plugin, which satisfies the requirements of the Encrypted Media Extensions specification, Video.js players can now communicate with the content decryption module (CDM) of the browser.
Before it starts decoding the video portion of the file, the user can use the plugin to provide the DRM licencing URI to the CDM. This occurs before the CDM begins processing the video data.
The developer has the option of providing one-of-a-kind methods that are unique to a source and the particular combination of key system and codec that it employs.
The phrase “digital rights management,” which is sometimes abbreviated as “DRM,” refers to a collection of capabilities that includes the distribution and administration of encryption and decryption keys, in addition to backend licencing servers. The term “digital rights management” can sometimes be abbreviated as “DRM.” The term in its full is referred to as “digital rights management.” The encryption method that is utilised by commercial digital rights management (DRM) systems is referred to as the Advanced Encryption Standard, which is also referred to by its shorter version, AES. DRM stands for digital rights management, and systems that manage digital rights are referred to as digital rights management systems. The National Institute of Standards and Technology is responsible for the development of this approach (NIST). It is necessary to encrypt the premium content in such a way that it can only be read by employing a decryption key that has been provided by a third-party digital rights management provider that the OTT platform has selected. In other words, the premium content must be encrypted in such a way that it cannot be read without the use of a decryption key. In other words, the premium material needs to be encrypted in such a way that it cannot be read without the usage of the decryption key in order for it to be considered secure. Because it uses the same key for both the encryption and the decryption operations, this approach is referred to as a symmetric key algorithm. This name was given to the method because it uses the same key for both processes. Methods of encryption that make use of symmetric keys are by far the most common. When the encryption keys are not being used, the licence server stores them in a secure location until the next time they are required.