Ipsidy: An Overview on the Company
Ipsidy is a company based in the United States and other internationals which creates the secure electronic transaction solutions and biometric identity management for enterprise, government, and the consumer markets.
It develops the identity management solutions; it consists of front end application software to capture fingerprints and image processing, and as well as fingerprint matching software solution at the back end. It also secures credential card and plastic products.
It renders payment gateway as well through Tranxa, a multi-application gateway along with the switch rendering physical merchants and online retailers a payment solution. It as well provides PaySpot an electronic ticketing system.
Ipsidy came up with ‘idtransact’ which assists network of mobile payment authorization by giving identity at the core.
It helps to receive the transactions of closed loop cards of trusted merchants, consumers, and agents by building and managing the mobile ecosystem for them, be it in online store, in-store, or in the app.
Ipsidy idtransact provides customers with easy authentication to their identity through a portable device or mobile phone of their selection; on the contrary, it is critically different in other transaction identity solutions where it requires a separate hardware.
Ipsidy identity transaction’s agenda is to find the best transaction platform to support a wide range of market domains such as the public safety, border security, enterprise, public transport, financial services and electronic payment transactions.
The objective of Ipsidy is to render the customers who are in mobile ecosystems or work in physical environments with the high identity authentication and secured transaction, certainty and control. To learn more about this, do visit https://www.ipsidy.com/authorization
The key features of this mobile ecosystem include:
Mobile wallet
The system offers virtual payment card locked by IdLok which is convenient for consumers. It is a multi-featured authentication service
Mobile POS
It fastens the transactions by proffering the plain acceptance of Ipsidy wallet and looped payment cards by QR code reader and the NFC (Near Field Communications)
Digital Issurance
Powerful financial and card accounting management for all types of currencies; the security for this is improved due to HCE and tokenization
Obtaining Gateway
The transactions are securely transferred to the digital issuance platform of the mobile system to authorize and process the transaction
Mobile Commerce
When you give quick fulfillment through mobile commerce purchasing cart amalgamated with the mobile wallet it increases the customer spending.
It aims at providing the customized personal cards for loyalty purpose to give best service for the customers at lower costs
Beacon marketing
Develop and manage the advertising campaigns and promotions which is put across directly towards a mobile wallet when it’s in the vicinity range of Bluetooth beacons
Web Portal
Combined, the online reporting portal is present in all languages and supports with best customer services.